Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sunday for Rest

Tomorrow is Sunday. Me being the sort of Christian who attends church on Sundays, it is my day of rest. Now I don't have a problem with people who chose Saturday as a day of rest, or even Tuesday or Friday. I do feel that it is important to the health of a person, especially a homemaker, to have one day each week of rest.

I do not start or perpetuate huge projects on Sunday. Of course I'll cook and clean, I'll do dishes, even hang laundry, pick up around the house. But I do not engage in heavy projecting. I'll fabric-paint a shirt, or sew, or draw, because I enjoy doing these things. I enjoy my housework, too, but I won't move furniture about, change curtains, or alphabetize the DVD's on a Sunday. Instead, I take some time to contemplate.

I attend the church service in the morning and take notes on the sermon. Sometimes I'll look up the text on eSword just to see what other commentaries have said on it over the years. I'll also plan my week out, make lists of things I might make for supper and make sure my tasks are all entered into their various programs to remind me throughout the week.

Sometimes, well, maybe monthly or so, I'll have a time of introspection when I review my life goals, modify them as desired, and ask myself how I'm proceeding towards completing them. Tomorrow will be a day like that. I've been going through a lot of changes in my life with coming home and being a full-time housewife/mother just for the past three weeks. Time to evaluate what I've accomplished, what I have left to do, and how I can regain my motivation.


  1. Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing your story, which I'm sure was uplifting and inspiring to many! My heart rejoices when I hear yet another woman tell about how she came to dedicate herself full-time to her family and home.

  2. Thanks for being the first person to comment on my blog! :) Glad to mention it. I might be seen making comments here and there in the future as well. I like your writing very much.
