Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting 2011: An Introduction

Obviously I'm not one to give out a lot of personal data over an unsecured blog, but I thought those of you who follow this might be interested in knowing a little about who I am. My little side paragraph basically says it all, but I'll expand on it just a little bit with the parts I don't mind sharing.

I'm in my early 30's, a homemaker with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I worked about eight years or so in the field before retiring to, in my opinion, a better one. My husband has a matching degree (same colleges and everything!) and he's in the field providing for all of us. He's an easy-going, friendly guy who works hard and faithfully.

We have two children, an eight-year-old boy and a nearly-two-year-old girl. I'm homeschooling the boy, who is now in second grade and doing very, very well. He's a good kid. The girl is cute as a button, bright and friendly and very funny.

I live in a rural part of Connecticut, in a bi-level house that is modern-style interior with a fake vinyl Grecian-Roman facade in the middle of the woods. Part of my life is the constant struggle between my OCD packrat behavior and my deep desire to see the house divested of anything that does not have sufficient beauty and purpose.

My life is a curious mix of modern tech and old-style homespun. I like to sew, though I'm really bad at it, and I make most of my food from scratch. On the other hand, I'm a computer gamer and have a machine I built myself with a quad-core processor and 1GB of video RAM. My favorite kitchen device is my stand mixer, and I try to plant a vegetable garden each year, though nothing yet has given me a decent yield except for the tomatoes.

What kind of things might you read on this blog? One day I'll be talking housekeeping, while another day I'll have politics on my mind. Politics, religion, homemaking, all the spheres of my life are intricately interconnected.

If you've read any of my old posts, no doubt you already know that I am a Christian and a conservative. The former informs the latter. What does that mean? Well, for one, when I criticize big government, I am more likely to add in the role of the individual and the church in a properly-functioning society. Some conservatives and libertarians speak as if government and society is the same thing. I believe that it is not.

Anyways, that's enough talk for today. I'm going to try to post more often. We'll see how it goes.

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